Canoas receives the Sine Móvel from the Gaúcha Foundation for Work and Social Action (FGTAS) on Monday (24) with intermediary services for job vacancies.
The unit will serve on Av. April 17, 900, in the Guajuviras neighborhood, next to the Military Brigade post. Public service will be from 10am to 4pm. On that day, the FGTAS/Sine de Canoas Agency will be closed. Service to workers will be at Sine Móvel.
There will be the selection of workers for a supermarket chain. A company representative will conduct the job interviews. In all, there are 45 temporary job openings, as a store and market attendant and as a storage assistant.
Store and market attendant (20 vacancies) – the role requires a high school diploma. Salary of BRL 1,676.78 and benefit of transport and meal vouchers.
Storage assistant (25 vacancies) – the function requires complete Elementary Education. Salary of BRL 1,627.20 and benefit of transport and meal vouchers.
Workers interested in applying must appear, in person, with an identification document with CPF and photo. On site, they will be registered in the system. Those who have a professional profile compatible with the jobs offered will receive a referral letter to participate in the selection process.
It is also possible to withdraw the referral letter through the Sine Fácil application, available for free download on Google Play.