The technologies for the dairy sector promoted by Rúmina, a company whose objective is to simplify the adoption of technologies by producers, be it biotechnology, sensors, software, financial solutions and artificial intelligence, will be available at Expodireto Cotrijal, between the 6th and 10th of March in the Rio Grande do Sul city of Não-me-touch. The event attracts visitors from over 70 countries and 250,000 people are expected in five days.
One of the largest fairs in Brazilian agribusiness, the event is focused on technology and business and seeks to bring producers closer to knowledge, information, research bodies and private companies, with opportunities and debates related to the rural environment.
Rúmina’s participation in the event gains more importance this year due to the difficulties faced in producing milk, at an increasing level, each year. According to Emater, the drought at the beginning of the year greatly impacted activity in Rio Grande do Sul. With little pasture or silage, the producer needed to invest more in the diet to guarantee the production level.
From the instabilities of prices, to the high cost of production, the scenario for producers increasingly requires adjustments from a technological, economic and health point of view to produce more and better. “We will take all the products in our portfolio to the dairy segment: OnFarm, Ideagri, RumiCash, RumiTank and RumiScore”, explains Rúmina’s Marketing and Sales Director, Gabriel Toledo.
One of the brands present at Rúmina’s stand will be OnFarm, which operates in animal health, promoting the control of mastitis in dairy cows, the disease that most causes damage to the dairy sector. With the use of technology, approximately 50% of cases of clinical mastitis do not need to be treated with antibiotics, the producer reduces expenses with medicines, minimizes the disposal of milk, thus being able to sell it and contributes to the concept of sustainability by avoiding the indiscriminate use of antibiotics.
“We have already been working with this technology present in Rio Grande do Sul since the launch of OnFarm, in 2018. We have 250 farms served in the state and more than 20,000 samples registered in the application, potentially avoiding the disposal of 750,000 liters of milk, which represent savings of BRL 390 million for the state in these 5 years”, details Gabriel Toledo.
Gerson Decarli, producer at Fazenda Decarli, in the city of Vila Maria (RS), says that OnFarm has greatly improved the sanitary system on the farm. “Before, without the laboratory we treated all cases of mastitis at a high cost. Not treating with antibiotics, we don’t need to discard the milk, generating good savings, ”he says.
Fabiana Kogler, producer, Fazenda Agropecuária KS, in Ibirubá (RS) states that OnFarm showed agility, practicality and economy. “In a matter of 24 hours we have the result in the palm of our hands, indicating the causative agent and the treatment protocols. On our property the cows responded very well to the treatments,” she says. “Since we found OnFarm, mastitis is no longer a problem on our farm. With the right treatment, we can improve the welfare of the animals,” she says.
Financial support
The costs of inputs, such as fertilizers to produce the diet for the dairy herd, rose by more than 100% between 2021 and 2022. According to the Union of the Dairy Industry and Derivatives, Sindilat, the sector had an oscillation never seen before in 2022. Every four months, he lives with a different new reality.
As of September, there was a situation of imported products, mainly powdered milk and cheese, and this forced a drop in the Brazilian market and the sharp drop in the price of milk weakens the producer and encourages abandonment of the activity. Some entities fear that the lack of incentives and specific policies for the sector will further accentuate this crisis.
As part of its package, Rúmina will also take RúmiCash to Não-me-toque, a financial solution aimed at the dairy chain that offers lines of credit and advance payments to producers through partner dairy products. “With great ease and contact via WhatsApp, it offers the possibility of making investments and taking advantage of opportunities at the ideal time, with an advance on milk receivables, direct credit to the producer and structured credit for inputs”, says Toledo.
The average loan ticket per producer at RúmiCash is R$25,000 per operation, providing access to microcredit for producers, different from long-term financing. “This is an opportunity or maintenance credit, which allows the producer to have cash flow to stay in business. He often uses it to plant crops to make silage for the cows, to buy fertilizers, seeds and other inputs that are usually cash purchases”, he details.
Producer Mafalda Costa, from Sítio Santa Rosa, in Perdizes (MG), says that she even thought about giving up milk production. “We are small producers and have difficulty accessing banks to apply for loans. As we went through a very difficult period in the dairy sector, we thought about selling the cattle. When I received the information about RúmiCash, I realized that it would be a ‘light at the end of the tunnel’. We didn’t have the money and, through RúmiCash, we got the amount in cash and paying in installments. It turned out much better for us and fit our budget, ”she says. “We can count on companies like Rúmina for this partnership with us, not to let small producers run out, so we have the strength to continue”, she says.
Learn about other Rúmina solutions for dairy cattle
ideagr, a simple and practical tool for analyzing advanced indicators for zootechnical and financial control in dairy farms.
RumiScore, the largest comparative assessment of productivity and sustainability of dairy farming in Brazil. By means of 13 zootechnical indicators, each registered farm undergoes the evaluation of its main characteristics, from the efficiency of raising young animals to herd productivity and estimates of methane emissions. At the end, they receive a general grade, the RumiScore, and with that, they can understand the level they are in each of these indicators compared to the average of the best farms.
RumiTank, technology that allows remote monitoring of real-time data on volume, temperature and milk agitation. It keeps the product refrigerated at 4ºC until the moment it is collected by the refrigerator. RumiTank monitors the tank’s operating parameters, even recognizing power outages.
About Rumina
Romanian is a digital solutions company for livestock in Brazil. It encompasses the Ideagri brands, a leader in decision-making support systems for dairy farming; OnFarm, a digital solution that helps with udder health; Bovitech, decision-making solution for beef cattle; RúmiCash, fintech focused on the dairy chain; RumiTank, technology based on sensors for real-time monitoring of milk tank operation and RumiScore, the largest benchmarking of productivity and sustainability of dairy farming in Brazil.
Rúmina offers digital solutions to support today’s producers to become the producers of the future: more productive and sustainable through the best experience for producers and empowering veterinary technicians, consultants and the entire livestock value chain. More information: