This Friday (3), retiree Andrelino Vieira da Silva, who became known as “the terror of the INSS”, turned 122 years old. Janaína Lemes de Souza, granddaughter of the elderly man, said he is fine and leads a peaceful life. The information is from G1.
This time, the family decided not to have a party. Last year, he won a themed cake with a plaque: “The terror of the INSS”.
He’s still going strong. This year we are not going to do anything, because some other people in the family are having some problems, so we are not really in the mood for the party. (…) He is calm, leading his life – said Janaína.
Andrelino was born on February 3, 1901. He lives in Aparecida de Goiânia (GO).
The family have said they do not plan to go after the Guinness Book of Records to have Andrelino recognized as the world’s oldest man, as he is unconcerned with the fame he has gained.
The elderly man was married and had seven children, of whom five are still alive. He also has 13 grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren and a great-great-grandchild.