Pelotas opened this Monday (30th) the Municipal Grape Fair, at Largo do Mercado Central. Stalls are set up in the neighborhoods and in the Orangery for the sale of fresh fruit, as well as juice, wine and derivatives between January 30th and February 12th.
13th Opening of the Grape Harvest
The Official Opening of the 2023 Grape Harvest takes place on February 11th, starting at 1:30 pm, at the property of producer Dirceu Nunes Kurz, in the 8th district, in Colônia Santa Helena. The expectation of production in the municipality, in this season, is 540 tons.
Find out where the stalls at the grape fair will be:
Monday to Saturday: Public Market Square
Monday: In front of Terra Nova condominium
Tuesday: Avenida Dom Joaquim
Wednesday: Fernando Osorio Avenue
Thursday: Avenida Salgado Filho
Friday: Avenida Dom Joaquim
Saturday: Laranjal Beaches and Avenida Salgado Filho
Domingo: Laranjal Beaches