One of the most common diseases of dogs is otitis, inflammation of the auditory canal, responsible for a lot of pain and discomfort for animals, directly interfering with their well-being. almost always the otitis they happen due to the proliferation of fungi, mites or bacteria in the auditory canal of dogs, but genetic and environmental factors can favor their appearance.
Fernanda Ambrosino, veterinarian and pet product manager at Ceva Saúde Animal, listed 5 important facts about otitis that every pet owner should know:
1) There are three regions where otitis can occur
The external ear is responsible for collecting sound from the environment and taking it, through a channel, to the middle ear. It is basically the ear as we see it – cartilaginous tissue covered by hair – and the auditory canal, which is responsible for carrying sound to the eardrums. The middle ear is composed of the eardrum and a small air chamber with three small bones – hammer, anvil and stirrup – and also has the oval window and the Eustachian tube. In the inner ear are the cochlea, which is the organ responsible for hearing, and the vestibular system, which helps maintain balance.
“Otitis can be classified as external otitis, otitis media or internal otitis according to the region in which the inflammation occurs. The treatment conduct may vary according to the affected region, so it is important the accurate diagnosis of the veterinarian”, he explains.
2) It’s not just dogs with big ears that suffer from the problem!
Dogs with large and pendular (drooping) ears are more likely to have the infection, because they act as real dampers in the auditory canal, which facilitates the maintenance of humidity, leaving a perfect environment for the proliferation of fungi and bacteria.
“We often think that short and pointed ears are less likely to suffer from otitis because they are always well ventilated, but the truth is that they also have less protection against the entry of water, dirt and other impurities, which end up causing irritation. and tissue inflammation”, he comments.
Increased attention to the Cocker Spaniel, Bulldog, Chihuahua, Dachshund, Basset Hound, Golden Retriever, Dachshund, Labrador and German Shepherd breeds, which may be more prone to otitis.
3) Allergic dogs also suffer more from otitis
Often, the microorganisms that cause otitis (fungi, bacteria and mites) already naturally inhabit the dog’s skin and, when there is an imbalance in the pet’s immunity, they proliferate opportunistically, leading to infection. “Animals that already have a history of allergies and recurrent skin problems may also be more predisposed to otitis, because the natural microbiota of the skin of these animals already presents some type of alteration or imbalance, impairing the body’s natural defense”, Fernanda elucidates.
4) Otitis is more frequent in summer
In the summer, it is also common for the pets look for ways to cool off with humans, such as swimming in a pool or sea, for example, which facilitates the entry of water into the auditory canals. If they are not properly cleaned at the end of the tour, it is possible that damp ear canals become very pleasant environments for fungi, mites and bacteria to proliferate.
“The heat and humidity typical of this time of year in most of Brazil also contribute to cases of otitis occurring even in dogs that do not go to beaches or swimming pools, so the owner needs to be aware of any sign of discomfort, itching or frequent shaking of the head, redness or bad smell in the region of the ears”, reinforces.
5) Recurrent otitis is a big problem
When not cared for properly or when treatment fails, otitis can become chronic problems, known as recurrent (or recurrent) otitis.
“Recurrent otitis is a bigger problem, because they almost always turn into internal otitis caused by microorganisms that have created some resistance to the medicine previously used in the treatment. In these cases, the treatment needs to be more specific for the agent causing the inflammation, which must be identified through cytological exams and fungal and bacterial culture. In addition, the treatment needs to be done very rigorously, to prevent the condition from getting worse”, he concludes.
Recurrent otitis, when it is not possible to be cured clinically through the use of medication, may require surgical intervention.
Taking good care of the ears of pets is a gesture of care and love, so it is very important to make sure they are protected during the bath to prevent water from entering the auditory canal, perform external cleaning of the ear with specific ceruminolytics for pets at the frequency recommended by the veterinarian, and never remove the hair that is present in the dogs’ ears, as they help in the protective barrier of the auditory canal.
About Ceva Animal Health
Ceva Saúde Animal is a French multinational, committed to the development of innovative products for the animal health market. The company, which is present in more than 110 countries, focuses on the production and sale of pharmaceutical and biological products for companion and production animals. More information at: