It is common for children who do not have the habit of drinking water. According to Irani Gomes dos Santos Souza, nutritionist and coordinator of the Nutrition course at Faculdade Santa Marcelina, children may be resistant to drinking water due to lack of family habits. “This habit needs to be formed from childhood. One way to stimulate, for example, is to leave the (squeeze) bottle with water easily accessible so that the child does not have to ask an adult or depend on someone to give him water, ”she explains.
Check out the nutritionist’s tips on how to introduce water into the children’s routine.
Does introducing fruit juice too soon spoil the child’s interest in water?
The early introduction of fruit juice brings other harmful effects such as fructose overload (sugar present in fruits). In the complementary introduction that happens, from 6 months, it is also the moment when water is offered to the child (or as recommended by the pediatrician). It is up to the child’s caregiver to offer small sips throughout the day, bringing the habit of water intake.
What can we do to encourage children?
Always leave the water bottle in sight so that the child can access it alone.
Teach the child to always drink water after urinating. Because soon you will feel the urge to urinate and you will have to drink water again. The frequency of peeing will decrease as the body adapts to this water intake and the child will then have the habit of drinking water frequently.
Recreational activities are also valid, stimulating water intake, especially in hot weather.
Carrying a water bottle with you when you go to the playground is also essential.
Take a squeeze bottle to school.
Stimulate a goal for the child and the whole family for daily consumption according to the recommendation for water per day.
Is there a way to replace the water? Any idea of a “trick” for this?
Flavored water is always welcome. The child can assemble her little bottle by putting fruits, spices and herbs such as:
Apple slices, cloves and cinnamon (on a stick);
Orange slices with cloves;
Pineapple slices with mint leaves;
Lemon slices with lemongrass;
Lemon slices with basil leaves;
Lemon slices with mint;
Strawberry, raspberry and blackberry slices;
Strawberry and cherry slices, with a little lemon juice;
Strawberry slices with orange slices;
Chopped watermelon with mint leaves;
Kiwi slices and lemon wedges.
To give a better flavor put the combinations and leave the water for at least 2 hours in the fridge. When the water in the bottle runs out, it can be replaced and continue drinking throughout the day. The fruits and herbs should only be used for one day, and if at the end of the day the child wants to eat them so as not to waste them, they can too.
How much water does a child need to drink per day?
The Brazilian Society of Pediatrics establishes that:
7 to 12 months intake should be 800 ml.
1 to 3 years 1.3 liters.
4 to 8 years 1.7 liters.
9 to 13 years 2.4 liters.
The recommendation below 7 months should follow the Pediatrician’s recommendation, but it is important to reinforce that Breast Milk is the main source of water for the child. And in the case of infant formulas, these are also diluted with water.
What are the harms to the child’s health if water is not consumed?
The main damages are: urinary infection, loss of school performance, headaches, fatigue and dehydration.