CredCaxias, the assisted credit program of the City of Caxias do Sul, has already released R$ 16,521,620.00 in financing and carried out more than 12 thousand hours of training. The balance was carried out by the Secretariat for Economic Development and Innovation (SDEI). In total, 738 letters of credit were delivered to micro and small entrepreneurs, by the end of December 2022.
According to the holder of the folder, Élvio Gianni, CredCaxias is a brand of the current management, as it focuses on micro and small businesses, which are responsible for more than 90% of active enterprises in the municipality. “Our goal is to reduce bureaucracy, unlock and bring innovation as a means for economic development, so that the environment is increasingly favorable for those who want to undertake in Caxias do Sul”, he highlighted.
In addition to funding, the program provides 10 online courses free of charge, with tools to help entrepreneurs expand their businesses. The training deals with topics such as strategy, innovation, finance, marketing and sales, attracting customers, managing internal flows, planning to innovate, among others.
Gianni points out that the courses are available to all micro and small entrepreneurs from Caxias do Sul, including those who do not apply for credit. This is possible through the partnership between CredCaxias and Sebrae RS. Also partners in the program are RS Garanti, Sicredi Pioneira and Cresol.
98% satisfaction of entrepreneurs
A survey conducted by EJRos Call Center showed that 98.35% of entrepreneurs are satisfied with CredCaxias and would recommend the program to others. Between August and October 2022, the survey heard 242 companies that took out the financing.
According to the interviewees, the resource was mainly used to raise working capital for companies (67.36%) and for investments (32.64%), with expansion in the business structure to increase market competitiveness.
Another point addressed was the generation of jobs. In the evaluation of 66.12% of the entrepreneurs, credit was essential for retaining or hiring employees. In absolute numbers, there are 416 jobs maintained or created through the program.
For secretary Élvio Gianni, the data demonstrate the assertiveness of CredCaxias. “This is a program that was very well accepted by the community, because it was built based on the real needs of this public”, he points out.
- Target audience: micro and small companies
- Fixed interest rate of 1.59% per month
- Payment term of up to 36 months (with a six-month grace period)
- Maximum amount released of up to R$ 15,000 for individual micro-entrepreneurs (MEIs), R$ 50,000 for micro-enterprises (MEs) and R$ 100,000 for small companies (EPPs)
how to apply
- Simply access the website and click on the CredCaxias. In the tab, companies will obtain information and the list of necessary documents, in addition to the registration form for credit analysis. Upon completion, applicants must provide at least one year of complete billing.