Americanas is hiring more than 6,000 temporary professionals to reinforce its Easter operation. Of the total, 212 vacancies are for work in stores in Rio Grande do Sul distributed throughout the cities of Porto Alegre, Alegrete, Bagé, Bento Gonçalves, Cachoeira Do Sul, Cachoeirinha, Camaquã, Canela, Canoas, Capão Da Canoa, Carazinho, Caxias, Caxias Do Sul, Cruz Alta, Estância Velha, Esteio, Farroupilha, Frederico Westphalen, Gramado, Gravataí , Guaíba, Igrejinha, Ijuí, Itaqui, Lajeado, Montenegro, Nova Prata, Novo Hamburgo, Panambi, Parobé, Passo Fundo, Passo Fundo, Pelotas, Portão, Rio Grande, Rolante, Rosário Do Sul, Sant. Do Livramento, Santa Cruz Do Sul, Santa Maria, Santo Angelo, São Borja, São Gabriel, São Leopoldo, São Lourenço Do Sul, Sapiranga, Soledade, Sto Ant. From Patrulha, Taquara, Torres, Tramandaí, Triunfo, Uruguaiana and Vacaria.
The company is looking for people aged 18 and over, have completed high school and have a dynamic and agile profile to work as store operators. Activities include customer service, cashier operation, organization of items on shelves, Easter egg racks and support for the in-store pickup operation of orders made via the Americanas website and app. The opportunities do not require prior experience and interested parties must be available to work between February and April.
Registration closes until March 15th in this link. After hiring, all temporary employees will undergo training, integration and acclimatization in work units led by an experienced team that runs this large retail operation on a daily basis.
Selection and benefits – The selection process takes place online and in person. In addition to a salary compatible with the market, those hired will receive benefits such as transportation vouchers, meal vouchers and life insurance.