The Chamber of Shopkeepers of Igrejinha and Três Coroas will hold the Negócios em Foco breakfast on Wednesday (6), from 8am to 10am, at the CDL headquarters in Três Coroas (Av. João M Corrêa, 650, Sander).
The free activity will be an opportunity for participants to promote their business among others in the group. The proposal is that participants can publicize their businesses and present their business to others. It will take three minutes to promote the product or service, expanding your base of potential customers and partners.
Spaces are limited for members and registrations must be made in this link. Registration must be completed by Monday (4) or earlier if the 20 available places close.
The Negócios em Foco breakfast will offer participants to expand their network of business contacts, the possibility of presenting companies in an exclusive space, sharing products and services in an environment conducive to negotiations and the possibility of establishing new partnerships and opportunities of business.