Strawberries, cashews and apples are nutritious and tasty foods, but they are not fruits but pseudo-fruits, called false fruits. This revelation, which shocked people, was revealed in a podcast, which explained where these “false fruits” came from and what the nutritional value of each of them is. A surprising curiosity is that to be a fruit, it must come from the ovary of a plant’s flower. Cashew, for example, its fruit is the nut. And in strawberries, the fruits are achenes, those little seeds that are in the pulp. And in this case, the apple, the fruit is the central part of the pulp, where the seeds are located.
According to researchers Davi Junghans and Sandro Bonow, who are part of Embrapa, they explain that the functions of a fruit, whether real or false, is to attract animals and disseminate the seeds. “Fruits, in general, are sweet, making them attractive to animals. By consuming these foods, they disperse the seeds in nature and promote the continuation of the (plant) species”, added Sandro Bonow.
Cashew nuts are used in food, drinks and even cosmetics. LCC, which is the liquid from cashew nuts, is a raw material for paints and varnishes and also fuel in furnaces.
Its pulp is used in juices, cajuína and “plant-based” foods (made from vegetables);
It is native here in Brazil;
The State of Ceará is the largest producing state in the country;
She is native to Asia;
The state that is the largest producer in the country is Santa Catarina;
It is consumed fresh, in recipe fillings and also in drinks.
It came from France;
The largest producer in the country is Minas Gerais;
It is consumed fresh, in juices, jellies and even drinks.
Source: Meio Norte