Celestino Oscar Loro, a renowned businessman, was re-elected as president of the Caxias do Sul Chamber of Industry, Commerce and Services (CIC Caxias) for the 2024-2025 biennium. The election took place during the Electoral College Assembly on Monday afternoon (23), with the participation of 46 of the 69 members.
Along with Loro, businessmen Ruben Bisi, Idalice Manchini and Eduardo Michelin were also re-elected as vice-presidents of Industry, Commerce and Services, respectively.
After the official announcement of the result of the vote by the president of the Deliberative Council and the Electoral College, José Valtuir de Almeida, Loro and the vice-presidents expressed their gratitude to the CIC Caxias advisors and the presidents of the employers’ unions for the continued support and trust placed in them for another two years in office.
Loro emphasized that the re-elected Executive Council will continue to defend the interests of the business class and value the role of businesspeople. “Our objective is to balance the different opinions, seek a minimum consensus within the plurality of ideas that CIC Caxias generates and defend the points of convergence. Despite the challenges faced in the last two years, we still have a lot to do for the business movement,” he declared.
The Electoral College is made up of members of the Superior Council, elected members of the Deliberative Council, elected members of the Executive Council and presidents of unions and business associations affiliated with the entity.