This Tuesday morning (05/23), the mayor of Caxias do Sul, Adiló Didomenico, swore in the new members of the Municipal Tourism Council (Comtur) for the 2023-2025 biennium. The event was attended by representatives of the tourist sector of the city and region.
Comtur is a consultative and deliberative body that aims to promote the development of tourism in Caxias do Sul. The council is made up of 20 full members and 20 alternates, 10 of which are representatives of public authorities and 10 of civil society.
For the presidency of Comtur, Idair Moschen, from Empresa Festa Nacional da Uva, was elected, and for the vice-presidency, Oli Paz, from MobiCaxias. They were chosen at the last meeting of the previous management, held in April.
In his speech, Mayor Adiló Didomenico highlighted the importance of tourism for the economy and culture of Caxias do Sul and stated that Comtur will have full support from the municipal administration to carry out its actions.
“Tourism is an activity that generates jobs, income and quality of life for our population. It is also a way of valuing our history, our identity and our diversity. Therefore, Comtur is a fundamental partner for our government. Count on us to work to strengthen tourism in Caxias do Sul”, said the mayor.
The new Comtur members will meet monthly to discuss and propose projects, programs and public policies aimed at tourism in the city. Among the council’s attributions are: preparing and following up on the Municipal Tourism Plan; inspect and evaluate the resources destined to tourism; encourage and support tourism events and initiatives; and encourage community participation in tourist activities.
new composition
Representatives of the Municipal Executive Branch
Secretary of Tourism
- Titular: Ricardo Daneluz
- Alternate: Renata dos Santos da Costa
Secretary of Culture
- Titular: Cristina Nora Calcagnotto
- Alternate: Magali Helena de Quadros
Secretary of Education
- Titular: Sabrina Cado
- Alternate: Jordana Molinetti Silvestrin
Department of Sport and Leisure
- Titular: Gabriel Citton
- Alternate: Marcos Wilson daSilva
Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply
- Titular: Rudimar Jose Menegotto
- Alternate: Diego Melo Pereira
Secretary of Public Security and Social Protection
- Titular: Valeria Wormann
- Alternate: Suely Rech
Festa da Uva S/A
- Titular: Idair Antonio Moschen
- Alternate: Marta Regina Siota Schramm
Entity representatives
Hotel and Gastronomy Business Union
- Titular: Gabriel Bertelli
- Alternate: Marcia Ferronato
Convention & Visitors Bureau
- Titular: Karen Leitão Sbabo
- Alternate: Jason Antonio Papi
Tourist Guides Association
- Titular: Libera Maria Belló
- Alternate: Ines Dewes
Chamber of Industry, Commerce and Services
- Titular: Luciane Lopez Perez
- Alternate: Guadalupe Pante
Retail Trade Union
- Titular: Marilene Dotti Sartori
- Alternate: Denise Spiandorello
Chamber of Shopkeepers
- Titular: Milton Corlatti
- Alternate: Esequiel Andreazza
University of Caxias do Sul
- Titular: Jacqueline Maria Corá
- Alternate: Vera Lucia Steiner
- Titular: Marcus Lubisco Guazzelli
- Alternate: Marceli Santos Milano Gonçalves
- Titular: Debora Revez Meneguzzo
- Alternate: Luciana Stella
25th Region of the Gaucho Traditionalist Movement
- Titular: Odila Paesi Savaris
- Alternate: Rodrigo de Macedo Ramos
- Titular: Emerson Bitencourt Monteiro
- Alternate: Leonardo Raphael Adami
- Titular: Florencia Del Carmen Nieto
- Alternate: Lilian de Souza
Association of Residents of Galópolis
- Titular: Dinara Aparecida Gabrielli
- Alternate: Mario Moschen
Friends of Ana Rech Association
- Titular: Cesar Mauricio Samuel do Nascimento
- Alternate: Fabricio Calgaro
Grape and Wine Regional Governance Body for Tourism (Atuaserra)
- Titular: Beatriz Paulus
- Alternate: Rita Michelin
- Titular: Flavileiri Mother Schneider Motorcycle
- Alternate: Jair Ubirajara DaSilva
- Titular: Oli Paz
- Alternate: Rogerio da Silva Rodrigues
Grape Festival Community Commission
- Titular: Fernando Bertotto
- Alternate: Carla Pezze