A meeting involving representatives of the main brewing competitions in the world, held last Sunday (05), in Blumenau (SC), was marked by the creation of an International Federation of the sector.
The event was the first of the Brazilian Beer Week, which also includes the Festival, the Contest, the Fair, the International Congress and the delivery of the Brazilian Beer Commendation. They continue until March 11, at Vila Germânica park, in blumenau (SC) – recognized as the Brazilian Capital of Beer.
“The meeting was attended by representatives of the main fairs in the segment – specialists from Italy, Colombia, Mexico, Belgium, Japan, Germany, Argentina, Poland and Paraguay”, explained Develon da Rocha, president of the Blumenauense Association of Tourism, Events and Culture (ABLUTEC ), organizer of the Week.
The discussion, held in the plenary session of the city council, involved, mainly, the creation of a standard of excellence, uniformity and reliability of these contests, in addition to joint policies that contemplate distribution, export and publicity in common.
According to Italian Andrea Turco, this is a promising initiative. “It is a first step towards a major market expansion”, he commented. The Polish Marek Karminski emphasizes the potential for advances resulting from the creation of the Federation. ”Respect for the quality of craft beers is the main objective. The drink has characteristics of each country where it is produced, which need to be disseminated as much as possible”. The next meeting should be held in about 60 days.
Commendation of Brazilian Beer – Sunday also featured the second edition of this recognition. Held at the Moinho do Vale events house, this time the recipients were the Belgian Luc de Raedemaeker, the American Molly Browning and the Brazilians Fabiana Bontempo (MG), Alexandre Bazzo (SP) and Daniel Wolff (PR), all references in the production chain of beer.