Registration for the first stage of the National Exam for Revalidation of Medical Diplomas Issued by a Foreign Higher Education Institution (Revalida) 2022/1 begins this Monday (17), in the Revalida System, and goes until Friday (21) . The exam will be administered on March 6, in eight cities: Brasília (DF), Campo Grande (MS), Curitiba (PR), Porto Alegre (RS), Recife (PE), Rio Branco (AC), Salvador (BA) ) and São Paulo (SP).
When registering, the participant must indicate the city where he wants to take the test, attach the graduation diploma in medicine issued by a Foreign Higher Education Institution, recognized in the country of origin by the Ministry of Education or equivalent body, authenticated by the Brazilian consular authority or by the process of the Convention on the Elimination of the Requirement for Legalization of Foreign Public Documents, promulgated by the Decree No. 8,660 of January 29, 2016.
The result of the analysis of the document will be released by the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep) on January 28th. If the diploma sent does not comply with the provisions of the public notice, the participant will not have their registration confirmed, even if they have paid the registration fee.
The registration fee is R$ 410. Payment must be made through the Union Collection Guide (GRU Cobrança) until January 26, at any bank, lottery house or post office, complying with the criteria established by these banking correspondents, as well as respecting bank clearing hours.
special service
The participant who needs specialized care must, during the registration period, inform the condition, such as: low vision, blindness, monocular vision, physical disability, hearing impairment, deafness, intellectual disability (mental), deafblindness, dyslexia, attention deficit, autism, dyscalculia, pregnant, breastfeeding, elderly and/or a person with another specific condition.
It is also necessary to attach, in the Revalida System, a legible document that proves the condition that motivates the request for assistance. To be considered valid for analysis, the document must inform the participant’s full name; the diagnosis with the description of the condition that motivated the request and the code corresponding to the International Classification of Disease (ICD 10); signature and identification of the competent professional, with the respective registration of the Regional Council of Medicine (CRM), the Ministry of Health (RMS) or a competent body.
In addition, participants who request assistance for blindness, deafblindness, low vision, monocular vision and/or other specific conditions and have their request confirmed by the Institute may be accompanied by a guide dog and use their own equipment: typewriter in braille, blade overlay, gleam, punch, soroban or cubarithm, thick tip pen, typoscope, signer, special glasses, magnifying glass, teleloupe, lamp, support boards, multiplane and inclined plane. The resources will be inspected by the applicator, except the guide dog.
The participant who obtains assistance for hearing impairment, deafness or deafblindness may indicate, in the registration, the use of a hearing aid or cochlear implant. In these cases, the devices will not be inspected by the applicator.
In the case of those who request assistance for autism and have the request confirmed by Inep, the use of a transparent pen with colored ink will be allowed to make the appointments, exclusively, in their Question Book. The Response Card must be filled in with a transparent black ink pen.
social name
The request for treatment by social name must also be made at the time of registration, in the Revalida System, by the participant who identifies himself and wants to be socially recognized for his gender identity (transsexual or transvestite participant).
For the request, it is necessary to present the following documents that prove the condition: current, clear, individual, color photo, with a white background that frames from the head to the shoulders, full face, without the use of sunglasses and headgear (cap, hat, visor, cap or similar); scanned copy, front and back, of one of the official identification documents with photo, valid, as provided for in the public notice.
Inep published the Notice No. 3/2022, which deals with the guidelines, procedures and deadlines of the first stage of Revalida 2022/1, this Thursday, January 6, in the Official Diary of the Union.
Applied by Inep since 2011, Revalida seeks to subsidize the revalidation, in Brazil, of the undergraduate medical degree issued abroad. The exam references are care in the context of primary, outpatient, hospital, urgency, emergency and community care, based on the National Curriculum Guidelines for the Medicine Course, associated regulations and professional legislation.
*With information from Inep