Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA), better known as stroke, is an acute brain disease basically caused by clogging (ischemic) or extravasation (hemorrhagic) of one or more arteries, preventing blood from transporting oxygen and nutrients to the brain.
“It is important to point out that habits such as alcoholism, the use of illicit drugs and medications that alter clotting, such as thermogenics and stimulants, cause a higher incidence of the disease in people aged 35 to 45 years”, explains Dr. Felippe Saad, coordinator of neurology and neurosurgery at Hospital Albert Sabin (HAS).
Patients with these characteristics alter the health of blood vessels leading to clogging or rupture.
According to the Ministry of Health, stroke is one of the leading causes of death and acquired disability worldwide. Brazilian statistics indicate that it is the most frequent reason for death in the adult population (10%) and is the diagnosis of 10% of hospital admissions. Brazil has the fourth stroke mortality rate among countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The people most at risk are those with uncontrolled hypertension, untreated diabetics, people with cholesterol and blood fat problems, smokers and the obese.
The main signs indicating the occurrence of a stroke are severe headaches, paralysis of the arms or legs, deviation of the mouth, speech difficulties, excessive sleepiness, disorientation and lack of vision on one side.
“Showing any of these symptoms at home, work or any other place outside the hospital, SAMU should be called immediately in order to take the patient to the emergency room as quickly as possible. In these situations, every minute counts for the rescue and subsequent reduction of sequelae”, warns Dr. Saad.
Treatment varies according to the type of stroke suffered. In the ischemic case, intensive care support and medication are used to try to unblock the cerebral vessel. Already the hemorrhagic may require surgery to drain the clot from within the brain.
“Taking care of health by controlling blood pressure, diabetes, weight, exercising and consulting your doctor frequently are measures that can prevent the onset of this and other diseases”, concludes Dr. Felipe.