voice intonation
Acting as an intern at the São Paulo State Military Police Operations Center (Copom), Corporal Jimmy Carlos da Silva was responsible for answering the call.
“I attended with the standard operating procedure of the Military Police. The woman started to say the address, the numbering, the location and said that the haircut was marked”, explains Jimmy.
Assigned to accompany Jimmy, Corporal Cleber William Frare Beneguer realized that it could be a request for help.
“The woman was a little scared, but speaking audibly. The intonation of the voice made it clear that the woman was afraid of someone who was nearby. The corporal was suspicious of the situation,” says Jimmy.
Cleber reports that he instructed Jimmy to ask if the woman really knew she had called the Military Police.
“She replied that she knew and gave the time and address. That’s when I instructed Jimmy to register the occurrence, because, possibly, it was a request for help from a person who was being coerced by someone and was unable to provide more information”, explains Cleber.
Due to the attitude and training of the police, a vehicle was sent to the address informed by the woman.
“We were successful in helping the victim and arresting the aggressor. The woman pretended to make an appointment to cut someone’s hair. Unfortunately, there are many cases of prank calls, so we are very gratified when the person asks for help and we have the possibility to help”, says Cleber.
According to the Military Police, the woman ran from the house as soon as she saw the vehicle approaching and said that she was being threatened with death and attacked by her partner.
The victim had bruises on his face. She was rescued, sent to the Municipal Emergency Room and released.
Women victims of domestic violence can report the crime by calling the police either through 190, from the Military Police, or 180, from the Women’s Assistance Center.
THE League 180 it is a channel for receiving reports of violations against women. Cases are forwarded to Organs competent bodies and the progress of the processes is monitored.
The service also guides women in situations of violence, directing them to specialized services in the service network.
In October 2020, the federal government launched a new channel for the League 180, serviced by WhatsApp. Depending on the platform, the person needs to add the number (61) 99656-5008 in the messaging application to have direct access to the Ligue 180, in addition to the Disque 100 – a denunciation service against human rights.
voice intonation
Acting as an intern at the São Paulo State Military Police Operations Center (Copom), Corporal Jimmy Carlos da Silva was responsible for answering the call.
“I attended with the standard operating procedure of the Military Police. The woman started to say the address, the numbering, the location and said that the haircut was marked”, explains Jimmy.
Assigned to accompany Jimmy, Corporal Cleber William Frare Beneguer realized that it could be a request for help.
“The woman was a little scared, but speaking audibly. The intonation of the voice made it clear that the woman was afraid of someone who was nearby. The corporal was suspicious of the situation,” says Jimmy.
Cleber reports that he instructed Jimmy to ask if the woman really knew she had called the Military Police.
“She replied that she knew and gave the time and address. That’s when I instructed Jimmy to register the occurrence, because, possibly, it was a request for help from a person who was being coerced by someone and was unable to provide more information”, explains Cleber.
Due to the attitude and training of the police, a vehicle was sent to the address informed by the woman.
“We were successful in helping the victim and arresting the aggressor. The woman pretended to make an appointment to cut someone’s hair. Unfortunately, there are many cases of prank calls, so we are very gratified when the person asks for help and we have the possibility to help”, says Cleber.
According to the Military Police, the woman ran from the house as soon as she saw the vehicle approaching and said that she was being threatened with death and attacked by her partner.
The victim had bruises on his face. She was rescued, sent to the Municipal Emergency Room and released.
Women victims of domestic violence can report the crime by calling the police either through 190, from the Military Police, or 180, from the Women’s Assistance Center.
THE League 180 it is a channel for receiving reports of violations against women. Cases are forwarded to Organs competent bodies and the progress of the processes is monitored.
The service also guides women in situations of violence, directing them to specialized services in the service network.
In October 2020, the federal government launched a new channel for the League 180, serviced by WhatsApp. Depending on the platform, the person needs to add the number (61) 99656-5008 in the messaging application to have direct access to the Ligue 180, in addition to the Disque 100 – a denunciation service against human rights.