This Thursday (25th) the new members of the Municipal Council for the Elderly of Caxias do Sul were sworn in. Created on June 5, 2001, the Council is a permanent, equal and deliberative body, composed of an equal number of representatives from the bodies and public entities and organizations representing organized civil society, active in the field of promoting elderly people.
Its main objectives are to formulate, coordinate, supervise and evaluate the Municipal Elderly Policy; define the priorities of the Municipal Policy for the Elderly, encouraging actions aimed at meeting the basic needs of the elderly; formulate strategies and control the implementation of the elderly policy; guarantee the elderly the application of the rights provided for in the Municipal Policy for the Elderly and approve the public social assistance policy and control its execution, among others.
New members of the Elderly Council
Representatives of Government Bodies
Titular: Morgana Leorato Baldo
Substitute: Franciele Roso
Secretariat for Economic Development and Innovation
Owner: Fabiana Aparecida Rigon Schleder
Substitute: Mariana Ferreira Luchi
Municipal Secretary of Education
Owner: Roseli Maria Bergozza
Substitute: Vera Lúcia Maggione Bernardi
Municipal Health Secretariat
Owner: Maicol Muneroli
Suplente: Fabiola Balardin
Municipal Secretary of Culture
Titular: Natasha Rech
Substitute: Francisco Roberto da Silva Júnior
Municipal Housing Secretariat
Owner: Tatiana Duarte de Oliveira Silva
Substitute: Michelle Meirelles
Secretariat of Traffic, Transport and Mobility
Owner: Patricia Machado Todero
Substitute: Michele Perotti Martinez
Municipal Department of Sport and Leisure
Owner: Rossana Cristina Da Silva
Substitute: Dionéia Maraschin
Secretariat of Public Security and Social Protection
Titular: Nicole Fidler
Substitute: Lucélia Amaral Gomes
Municipal Planning Secretariat
Title: Beatriz Trentin Speich
Substitute: Gilmar Amaral Padilha
General Attorney’s Office of the Municipality
Titular: Michel do Lago Amaro
Substitute: Rodrigo Menegat do Amaral
Representatives of Civil Society Segments
Higher Education Institution with Work in the Elderly Area
Holder: Veronica Bohm (Ucs)
Substitute: Fernanda Pimentel Da Silva (Uniftec)
Entities Providing Assistance Services to the Elderly:
Holder: Franciane Domingues Da Rocha (Mão Amiga)
Substitute: Patrícia Melotto (Helping Hand)
Holder: Rejane Gattelli Brito Polidoro (Lar Da Velhice)
Substitute: Joanete Maria Salvi (Lar Da Velhice)
Holder: Daiane Cristina Lorandi Camargo (Associação Jesus Senhor)
Long-term institutions for the elderly (ILPIS):
Owner: Danielle Cristina Lucena Rech (Recanto Das Laranjeiras)
Substitute: Joice Ferreira Mariano Rodrigues (Provitta)
Association of Retirees (Aapopecs):
Titular: Abrelino Dal Bosco
Substitute: Danúbio Macedo Pinto Silva
Community Group Users:
Owner: Viviane Zanotto Tosi (Scan)
Substitute: Joselane Da Silva (Scan)
Headliner: Elizabeth Bauer Schuman (Aunt Oli)
Substitute: Débora Meneguzzo (Sesc)
Owner: Celmo Dias (User)
Substitute: Valda Caramuru Dos Santos Ramos (User)
Rio Grande do Sul Regional Accounting Council (CRC/RS):
Holder: Maria Rosana Stumpf Pegoraro
Substitute: Catia Luiza Cagliari Fontaine
Brazilian Bar Association (OAB)
Owner: Raquel Terezinha Macedo
Substitute: Kely Lais Gasparin