Fecomércio-RS released the Mother’s Day Survey carried out between March 11 and April 9, 2024. 385 people were interviewed in person who stated that they would buy gifts for the occasion in the main city of each Macroregion of the State: Santa Maria, Porto Alegre, Caxias do Sul, Ijuí and Pelotas.
Among those interviewed, 28.8% stated that they intend to spend more than in 2023, 15.5% will spend less and 55.6% intend to spend the same. With a higher percentage of those who intend to spend more compared to those who intend to spend less, the indicator that consolidates these responses was 108.6 points – which indicates a spending intention, on average, greater than the previous year’s purchase.
Average spend
The average personal expenditure should be R$229.01 and men should spend an average of R$280.28, while women will spend R$178.00. By social class, the average expenditure should be R$160.45 for individuals from the lower class, R$183.99 for the middle class and R$374.75 for the upper class. The survey also points out that 94.0% will give gifts individually and 5.5% will share them with someone, with the gift, on average, costing R$ 187.82 – an average value that corresponds to R$ 293.00 for gifts shared and R$ 181.12 for individual gifts.
The most cited type of gift was Clothing (48.1%), followed by Perfumes and Cosmetics (16.6%) and Flowers (8.1%). City center stores are preferred (67.0%), followed by shopping centers (19.0%). Among those interviewed, 39.5% intend to buy in the same store where last year’s gift was purchased. The biggest expected movement is closer to the date: 81.1% should pick up gifts at most one week in advance. The most cited form of payment was cash (41.0%), followed by pix (24.2%), cash credit card (15.3%) and debit card (12.7%).
When asked about the determining factors for deciding where to buy a gift, price is the most mentioned factor (58.7%), with service in second place (21.0%).
In addition to buying gifts, meetings are also a mark of the date. The survey found that 42.9% of people intend to participate in a special event to commemorate the date. Of these, 73.2% plan a special lunch or dinner at home and 16.0% lunch or dinner out.