A survey on the Labor Market carried out by the Caxias do Sul Retail Trade Union (Sindilojas Caxias), with technical support from the University of Caxias do Sul (UCS), reveals that young people (59.6% are up to 29 years of age) , women (66% of the total) and who mainly receive salaries between R$1,000 and R$3,000 (58%), who work in commerce (67%), have completed secondary education (54%) and broad The majority resides in Caxias do Sul (92.7%).
The survey covers six cities in the region and 246 people participated in it, who voluntarily answered the questions asked, from November 1st to December 1st. After being collected, they were analyzed and are now published by Sindilojas.
In the survey, the majority (45.5% of the total) indicated that if they were looking for a new job, their preferred area would be commerce. According to the research organizers, when analyzing the data, it is clear that there is a correspondence between the place where they currently work and where they would like to work, in the case of searching for a vacancy.
“Considering the data from this research, Sindilojas Caxias will seek actions to further develop and strengthen the retail trade workforce, providing both employees and customers with a positive experience”, explains the coordinator of the Sindilojas Research Department, Lizete Zamboni Vieira.
Skills development
Among the positive aspects of the job, cited by interviewees, are the development of interpersonal skills and relationships with customers. “It shows that, although a lot of business and work takes place virtually, how important humanization is, eye to eye, feeling the emotion in others. In the case of commerce, when we offer products or services”, he states.
Among the negative issues highlighted are working on weekends and holidays, mainly, in addition to salaries and extended working hours. Lizete remembers that, in relation to salaries, most employees are commissioned, which increases the amounts received. It also clarifies that the Collective Agreement allows work on weekends and holidays, with one day off during the week, and payment per day worked.
The research does not include the supermarket segment. Of those interviewed, 2.4% said they lived in Flores da Cunha and the same number mentioned Bento Gonçalves. Just below are residents of Farroupilha (2%) and São Marcos (2%).
Each year, the Sindilojas Research Department carries out four surveys on different topics, according to the needs of the sector.