The coast of Rio Grande do Sul (RS) is the most popular destination among gauchos who intend to travel this summer. This is what the results of the 2024 Holiday Survey by the Federation of Commerce of Goods and Services – Fecomércio-RS – show, which interviewed 385 people, between October 5th and 24th this year, with interviews in the main city of each Macroregion of the State – Santa Maria, Porto Alegre, Caxias do Sul, Ijuí and Pelotas.
According to the survey, 42.1% of those interviewed responded that they will travel, of which 52.5% indicated the beaches of Rio Grande do Sul as their destination, while 40.1% will go to other states, mainly Santa Catarina, which is mentioned by 77, 6% among those who will go abroad. In RS, the most cited beaches were Torres (31.5%) and Cidreira (17.4%), in addition to Capão da Canoa (12%), Tramandaí (10.9%), Arroio do Sal and Balneário Pinhal (both with 7.6%).
In relation to the chosen destinations, among those interviewed who intend to travel during the summer holidays and who traveled in the same period last year, 62.0% will repeat the destinations and 38.0% will go to different locations. In terms of spending intentions, among those who visited in the previous year and were able to compare costs, the survey indicates an intention, on average, slightly higher than last summer’s spending. Among those who intend to travel, 34% said they intended to spend up to R$1,000.00 on their summer vacation, 32.1% said they would have to spend between R$1,000.01 and R$3,000.00, while 22.8% said they will be more than R$3,000.00. Another 11.1% were unable to provide information.
During these holidays, 48.1% of travelers intend to stay in their own home, that of relatives or friends, 26.5% will stay in a rented property, 21.6% will stay in a hotel or guesthouse, and 3.7% were unable to answer . Regarding the time they will be away, 30.2% indicated two weekends per month, while more than a third (37.7%) should spend a season summering; In this group, 45.9% indicated that the season should last up to ten days, 44.3% should have a period of 11 to 20 days, and for 9.8% the season should last more than 20 days.
“The survey shows that the majority of respondents are likely to repeat destinations from the previous year. This causes people to repeat experiences that are considered good. The research also showed that the turnover of people in the summer of 2023/24 should be greater, with people staying for shorter periods in the locations and intending to spend more than in the previous year”, commented the president of Fecomércio-RS, Luiz Carlos Bohn.