On November 30th, Thursday, the CIEE Theater will be the stage for Morada da Dança and its Dance Show entitled “PELOS BARES DA VIDA”. Fifty dancers will pay homage to bohemian culture and bar life through a musical journey that ranges from the classics of the 1960s, through bossa nova and rock, to other rhythms that have left their mark over time. The show will feature the special participation of Cia de Dança Flamenca Silvia Canarin.
The presentation was designed around a series of questions: “What would be the ideal bar for you? What kind of music would you play? What snacks would be served? What would the place you would like to go be like?” Based on these reflections, the dancers created the choreography show.
Divided into groups, they brought the bar of their dreams to life through dancing, explains Vanessa de Ivanoff, teacher at Escola Morada da Dança, directed by Alexandre Rittmann and Naira Nawroski.
Direction and production: Naira Nawroski and Alexander Rittmann
Choreographies: Alexandre Rittmann, Marina Goularte, Naira Nawroski, Tirza Souza, Tom Nunes and Vanessa de Ivanoff
Scenography: Alexandre Rittmann e Naira Nawroski
Sound operation: Driko Oliveira
Lighting: Karrah Light
Video and photos: Fábio Martins
Show duration: 50 min
Exhibition of “THE BARS OF LIFE”
When: November 30 | Thursday
Time: 20h30
Where: CIEE Theater (Rua Dom Pedro II, 861 – Bairro São João)
Tickets: anticipated at Morada da Dança. Rua Dona Lucia 83 Bairro Petrópolis or on the day at the CIEE Theater. Price R$80.00 for low and high audiences, R$50.00 for mezzanine.