The mayor of Caxias do Sul, Adiló Didomenico, sanctioned on Monday morning (25/09) law no. 8,980 establishing Municipal Book Donation Day. The new norm, proposed by councilor Felipe Gremelmaier, will be celebrated annually on February 14th and the executive branch will be able to regulate the activities to be carried out on that date.
Circulation of books in all social classes
The main objective of the law is to encourage the community to circulate books in Caxias do Sul, reaching all social classes, from the most needy to those with the most purchasing power. The mayor’s speech alluded to the sanction during Yellow September (aimed at suicide prevention), highlighting how important reading can be and how it can save lives.
Law was sanctioned during Yellow September
The law was coincidentally sanctioned in the week in which the 39th Caxias do Sul Book Fair opens. In addition to councilor Gremelmaier, the Government Secretary, Flávio Cassina, the Culture Secretary, Cristina Calcagnotto, the general director of SMC, were present. Magali de Quadros, this year’s book friend, Aline Luz and the director of the SMC Book, Literature and Reading board, Cássio Immig.